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The Four of Cups represents boredom, selfisolation and blockage. The asker may currently feel dissatisfied with their routine, unmotivated or stuck in a rut. This card signifies there are opportunities flowing toward the asker, but they have shut themselves off from receiving these gifts. This may be a result of having been hurt or rejected in the past, or because they feel these projects are not aligned with their larger goals.

This card is a reminder for the asker to fully immerse themselves in the present moment and not look too far ahead. What blessings are in front of them that they can be grateful for? The Four of Cups is also an invitation to take time to review what motivates them and align with their inner vision. Keep an eye open for new possibilities that will emerge; an opportunity may soon be around the corner.


The Four of Cups symbolizes the asker has been cutting themselves off from others, or going through a period of withdrawal. They may be feeling discouraged, stuck or disheartened. This card is a sign to see the support and love already surrounding them, and allow others in. Perhaps someone has been offering help, but the asker is resistant out of fear of being too vulnerable. They may also feel they can navigate these challenges alone. They are encouraged to open their eyes and see that much of what they seek is right in front of them, perhaps not in the exact place they are looking.