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The Twos represent relationships, balance and harmony. The Two of Cups specifically signifies harmony in relationships and open communication. The symbol of this card is two hearts, indicating the asker is in a special union that feels fulfilling and mutually beneficial, whether it be a lover, friendship or business partnership. An engagement or marriage may be near. It can also mean there will soon be a new blossoming relationship in the asker’s life that will feel peaceful and harmonious.

The Two of Cups is a sign to engage in open communication with loved ones. The asker is encouraged to review their current relationships and clear up any miscommunications. This includes taking accountability for what is in their control. It is also a great time to express love and appreciation for others.


The Two of Cups represents a lack of harmony or disconnection. If the asker is single, they may be waiting for that perfect partner who will complete them. This card signifies that at the basis of all successful partnerships are two individuals who fully love themselves. The asker is invited to practice self-acceptance and foster a sense of wholeness until that relationship comes into their life.

If they are in a relationship or have a potential love interest, the Two of Cups indicates there may be an imbalance or disconnection. They must reflect on whether their needs are being met. Loving themselves means standing strong through self-expression; or, it sometimes signals the need to walk away. The asker is encouraged to listen to their intuition.